Saturday, December 23, 2006

day 5 village

we went to visit the village of a 1000 where simone and yves lives. yves' dad is the mayor and we met him too, he lives just next door. and also their factory is just across the street ... now cool is that just walk across the street to work.
they have a really nice spacious place and unlike all the houses in the block they have a green house. they even have a pond somewhere in their yard where they go fishing.

simone is a great cook. she made us lasagna and cheesecake from really cheese. i only know how to make it from cream cheese. she was in a rush when we got there cause she didn't get a chance to go to the market until morning. the supermarket closes really early here at 9pm! i usually go to the supermarket after 10pm in the states. and of course it is the holiday season places like the supermarket is pack from last minute shoppers who wants to get the freshes food for their christmas party.

we had yummy appetizers to begin. i was telling dad about the baked escargots with the edible crispy shell, those boiled sausages are very tasty (even baby ate alot of them), there was also pâté with nuts wrapped in a pastry shell and spicy olives.

simone, yves and lucas also entertained us with their voices ... singing us christmas carols and baby enjoyed it every much clapping along and screaming along with the rest of us.

baby didn't sleep after 6am and took a nap in the car when we left the house and stayed hyper till we left simone's place and took his really nap after we got home.

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